Dedicated to the memory of Tiger Biggins

Tiger came into my life 4-5 years ago. He turned up in my garden and never left and eventually moved into our home and my heart.
He was the sweetest, gentlest and most polite cat ever. He'd keep me company when I was alone or even sit on my fabrics when I'm making costumes for work or even for fun.
Tiger helped me so much and encouraged me to come out of my shell and calm me down, being autistic isn't easy, but he made life a lot easier to cope.
He used to sleep on my bed every night and when I would come back after going on a trip away he's stick to me like glue, refusing to let me out of his sight and even snuggle either on me or next to me.
He touched so many people's hearts all over the world, people who never met him but loved him all the same because he made me happy... I had never experienced so much happiness before I met him.
Tiger was sometimes very cheeky, he'd nick my seat when I get up, even my seat at my sewing machine which can be quite funny and if he's comfy, he was reluctant to give up that seat... but he never held it against me.
All he wanted out of life was to be loved and did whatever he could to please others... you are a good boy Tiger and you made my world a much brighter place.
Good Night Tiger,
I love you


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